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Take the Sustainablity Pledge
>> 请查看 注册页面 to add event tickets, ALI Courses, or register for the virtual conference.
单日收费, 单一的会话, or in-person registration options, visit us on-site at the Conference Registration desk in the Marriott Marquis at McCormick Place, Grand Horizon Pre-function (4).
九州体育官方 is looking forward to convening in Chicago at the Marriott Marquis McCormick Place January 20-24, 2024 了解更多
加入 us from your home or office!
Virtual options such as up to 10 livestreamed technical sessions, technical session recordings and downloadable conference papers are available了解更多
The 2024 Winter Conference Includes...
九州体育官方 Learning Institute (ALI)
Conference Marketing Tools Find images and content to promote the conference on your social media or in Chapter communications.
理由工具包 Get your boss on board using template emails to request support.
Commit to sustainability in Chicago by taking the 可持续性的承诺.
As a thank you, pick up your complimentary aluminum 九州体育官方 water bottle at the Registration desk.
读 how 九州体育官方 is committing to sustainability during the conference.

九州体育官方 thanks the following members of Illinois Chapter for serving on the 2024 九州体育官方 Winter Conference Host Committee.
- Kevin Summers, General Chairman
- Sumayyah Theron, Vice Chair
- Liz Zakelj, Entertainment
- 尼克·马绍斯,图尔
- Joe Hauge, Information and Publicity
- Hanadi Salamah, Sessions
- Chris Krieps, Hospitality
- Illinois Chapter Board of Directors
- President, Danielle Passaglia
- President Elect, Amy Mueller
- Treasurer, Nancy W Kohout
- Secretary, Marykate Brehm